Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some details of life

I might have already explained this...but perhaps not, so I will risk repeating myself. I want to talk a little about coffee. The coffee here, first of all, is fabulous. There are no words to describe how fabulous. It is beyond coffee. The coffee here takes one to whole new levels of coffee joy; it is Coffee Heaven. The funny thing here, though, is HOW the coffee is made. I'm not talking about the processing of the beans themselves...I'm talking about how the coffee is made in the home. It is made in a sock. Really. It's this stocking-looking thing that hangs down from the wall. It appears to actually be made of some very thin weave sock. And it is called a "coffee sock." You put the coffee grounds inside the sock and then pour hot water into it. Yummy coffee strains out underneath.
So, yes, it works just like a coffee filter, but it's much more amusing to have your morning coffee dripping out of a sock then a boring old filter.
Some people do use coffee makers, but I am quite fond of our sock.
At the moment I am drinking a cup of coffee-from-the-sock and enjoying a clear view of the Gulf of Nicoya from our dining room window.

In unrelated news...the community continues its preparation for Christmas and I continue to feel like a Jew on an Island. They really go very Christmas crazy here. At our last staff meeting we were told that we would all be singing a Christmas Carol together as a staff for the end of semester Christmas program. It's such a different experience for me because at my former place of employment, I would never be asked to do Christmas anything.
I also would like to say that if one more person tells me "Oh, Christmas isn't REALLY a Christian holiday," I might kick them. Even if they ARE Quakers. Is it wrong to kick a Quaker?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an alumna of a Quaker high school, I can tell you that it is perfectly ok to kick a Quaker. Go nuts! Kick one for me!!! Love, Alicia

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quand je reviendrai a la montagne, j'apporterai deux autres trucs pour faire du cafe: un French press ainsi qu'une machine a faire de l'espresso on the stove. Et voila. (Mais bien sur, historiquement, Noel n'est pas un holiday chretienne - c'est associe avec le christianisme, bien sur, mais, a ce que je sais, le jour de naissance du fils de Joseph et Marie n'est jamais specifie dans les livres des evangiles... )

7:24 PM  

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