Thursday, November 02, 2006

The 15 Commandments of Life in Monteverde

1)Thou shalt bring a flashlight whenever leaving the house, even if leaving at 8:00 a.m. If you forget the flashlight, you will inevitably end up somewhere in the dark.
2)Thou shalt always bring a rain coat whenever leaving the house.
3)Thou shalt learn to love everything that crawls, stings, flies, or buzzes. Thou shalt also develop a respectful relationship with the mouse that lives under your stove.
4)Thou shalt always stop what one is doing whenever there are monkeys. Thou shalt watch the monkeys, in awe, until they are gone.
5)Thou shalt say ¨ooooh¨ whenever something cool is said to be up in a tree, even if thou can´t personally see it.This is particularly true of sloth sightings. Just nod thoughtfully, make some appreciative noises, and pretend like thou sees it.
6)Thou shalt say hello to everyone you pass. After a while, thou shalt actually recognize every single person that lives here.
7)Thou shalt learn to love the rain.
8)Thou shalt stop every once and awhile when out walking to take in the scenary and be amazed that thou actually lives in such a paradise.
9)Thou shalt learn to laugh at everything, even when your water heater explodes.
10)Thou shalt learn to get by in Spanish, even if using a lot of mime and facial expression.
11)Thou shalt feel okay about everyone hugging you. They do a lot of hugging here.
12)Thou shalt also feel okay about singing in public. There is also a lot of singing.
13)Thou shalt learn to listen for howlers, bell birds, and jays. Thou shalt wake up and smile when you hear all three in the morning.
14)Thou shalt eat a lot of fruit. And rice. And Monteverde cheese.
15)Thou shalt love it here and be unable to imagine a life more perfect.


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