Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Scorpion Hunting!

I just caught my first scorpion! We have had three scorpions here in the house, but this is the first one I caught on my own. Michael is usually on scorpion patrol, but he's in Paris for a few weeks, so I am to fight the critters myself. And I did it! Well...okay...I did not technically catch it fully yet. It is underneath an overturned glass jar in the leaving room. I have not yet figured out how to pick up the jar and take it outside without letting the thing sting me. I could probably use a piece of paper to slid under it, but i'm not quite ready for that yet. At the moment I am just letting him sit under the jar. Perhaps he will run out of air at some point.
When I came home work he was on the wall in the living room. A little teeny guy. I used a long fly swatter and a came over to him, planning to brush him into the jar. I took a deep breath and poked at him with the swatter. At which point he feel from the wall, past the waiting jar, and onto the floor. Luckily the spot he fell in had a corner of a spider web in it, so he got stuck. At which point I could easily put he jar over him. And he has been sitting like that for the last two hours.
So. Okay. I can't take full credit. The spider that made the web should have some of the kodus as well. And perhaps I should wait to celebrate until I actually remove him from the house. But I think I'm pretty safe with him under glass. Scorpions can't move glass, can they?
Still-- even with all the spider help and the Lack of Removal...I feel pretty brave. I rock.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again with the bugs . . .

2:28 PM  

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