Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Grilled cheese

So I´d like to report that I made a grilled cheese for the first time in my life last night. I made it in an iron skillet. It was delicious. It had tomato and Monteverde Chedder Cheese in it. I felt very accomplished.
In other, unrelated news, I saw an agouti while running on Saturday. Agoutis are these strange looking critters that look like an extremely oversized guinea pig. Except with less fluffy fur- they have short hair.
I am in the process of planning for the Christmas Program, which I am in charge of creating for my school. This is particularly ironic because i am in the only Jew at the school and perhaps the only Jew on the whole mountain. And yet I am running the Christmas show. Perhaps I can throw a Hanukkah song in there? Though folks might wonder ¨what´s Hanukkah?¨ I´m exaggerating, of course, but one of my co-workers did explain to her students that Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Atonement. Which it is not.
I also had a funny conversation in Spanish with one of my Tico co-workers. She asked me what my religion was and I tried to explain, as I did not know the word in Spanish for ´jewish.¨I think it might be ¨hebraica¨or something to that effect. Anyway, she had no idea what I was trying to explain. So I drew a Jewish star. She looked REALLY confused now. I think she thought I was drawing some sort of witch symbol. Or she thinks I am a member of some obscure cult she´s never heard of.
This weekend was also the community potluck. I made quesadillas. And then ate a lot of food. Eating is definatly a big pastime here. Whenever there is a social event or a meeting at school, it is a potluck. Whenever people invite you over to their house, it is to eat some food. Lots of food. Folks here even talk about gaining the ¨Monteverde 15¨ when you move here. It´s easy enough to stuff youself silly when there is just so much food everywhere. There are even great snacks at staff meetings! For every meeting someone brings a homemade cake or cookies or something.
When it was my turn to bring snack, I went to the store and bought lots of bags of chips. Because if I made a cake it would taste probably something like playdoh. Though of course before I can bake anything I need to learn how to turn the oven on. Which is harder than you would think! You have to light the little flame thingy each time.
Erica and I are planning on Thanksgiving trip to the nearby volcano, Arenal. Should be a good time. There are lovely hot springs there to swim in. Plus, if you´re lucky, the volcano erupts and you can see the sparkly red hot lava.
Last night it rained a lot and it was wonderful to be all cozy inside my beautiful house, as the rain pounded down. It´s a very satifying, homey, feeling when you come in from the rain, build a fire in the wood stove, and then listen to the rain fall around you. You might think the rain would be frustrating, but actually, I am coming to really enjoy the rain. I even went for a three mile run in the pouring rain the other day. I was drenched. But very refreshed!


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