Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yummy Breakfast

I would like to report that I ate a BAGEL for breakfast today. It was really, really exciting. You have no idea how much you miss bagels until you can't have them. But this morning I had a sesame bagel! My very nice boss brought them back from the States yesterday.
It was slightly stale and I had no cream cheese (I used butter...which, as everyone knows, creates a far inferior bagel breakfast) but it was yummy none the less.
Also, a footnote to the last entry. Dad- a scorpion is not a bug! It's a scorpion. Which is probably more closely related to a lobster, but is in it's own animal family, I believe. A scorpion is just a scorpion. And yes... I know I write a lot about creepy crawly things here. But that's part of the fun of the jungle! And for those of you who are thinking of coming to visit (or who are already planning on coming) know that the insects and scorpions are around but will probably not bother you much when you are here. It's not as if you have to walk around through walls of insects flying, crawling on the floor, or up the walls. You most frequently encounter individual insects or spiders, or perhaps a few flying knats. Or flies. The good news about Monteverde, bug-wise, is that there are no mosquitos and no biting insects generally. The fire ants might sting, but you can easily just step over them when you see them. Since I have been here I got bit by one thing (I think it was a spider)...and I've been here four months! So really, you don't have to worry. The place I've visited where insects were more of a problem was Bocos del Toro in Panama, where the mosquitos will dine on you at all all hours, even if you cover yourself in DEET. You don't have to wear bug repellent at all here in Monteverde. The insects may be plentiful, but they are for the most part harmless and typically quite lovely to look at. We get a lot of colorful beetles and moths and some fascinating army ants that march in little straight lines.
And the scorpion sightings are very, very rare. In some houses, they don't have them at all.


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