Thursday, October 12, 2006

Going to Panama! And other assorted things

Yesterday, our power was shut off because I apparently paid the wrong electric bill. Really. I paid someone else´s electric bill. You might be wondering how on earth that would happen. But here...anything´s possible. Apparently I paid the electricity for a different house owned by the person who owns my house. And here, in Costa Rica, they do not mail you a bill. In order to pay, you must use the bank internet site or do to the supermarket and pay these guys who sit at computers. When you go to the guys at the supermarket, you tell them where you live and they tell you how much you owe. Unfortuantly, if you´re house is also listed with another house, you may inadvertantly pay the bill of your neighbor. In which case your bill remains unpaid, and then they turn off your electricity. Without warning. And then everyone laughs uproariously! Ha, ha!
Anyhow, I think it is resolved now. Until the next bill paying time, that is.
This morning a hummingbird flew into the house. Michael caught it and let it out again. It was bright blue with a long, curving beak. It was very confused, flying around in a chaotic manner in the laundry room.
Tomorrow I am leaving for a long trip with some co-workers of mine. We are going to the beach, Puerto Viejo, on the Caribean side of Costa Rica, and then on to Bocos Del Toro, a group of islands in Panama! I will send pictures when I get back!


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