Monday, September 25, 2006

More adventures in the classroom

So today a student of mine was stung by a poisonous caterpillar. Really. I was not aware that there was such a thing as a poisonous caterpillar. Apparently they hurt quite a bit. She had a welt on her leg larger than a quarter. I was quite impressed with how calm she was about the whole situation. She came up to me, sweet as can be, and asked, "Um. Rebekah? Can I go the office?" I asked why. She said, "Um. Because I got stung by a caterpillar. See?" and then showed me the large welt. I think if I had that thing on me my response might have been a bit more panicy and distressed.
But, these kids here, they are used to everything. When our class was distracted by the monkey troop the other day, one student said, "Whatever. So what? We see monkeys like EVERY DAY." I guess one can be jaded anywhere.
There was also an exciting scorpion moment at recess. Two small and very angry scorpions were crawling about a cinderblock while some 1/2 grade students screamed their heads off. Scorpions, it seems, are scary to everyone, even the kids of Costa Rica. My very brave boss came out and caught both scorpions in a plastic bin. After capturing them, we stood there looking at the two angry little buggers, thinking, "Now what?" I suggested Michael and my Scorpion Freezing system. He opted, I believe, to crush them under something instead. Then he fed them to the army ants... which are just about the coolest, toughest cleaning machines out there. You put an insect or scorpion carcass on the ground and they will devour it en masse in no time. They also travel everywhere in perfect little army ant lines.
Watch out, though, they bite!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, you've written about a lot of scary bugs and creatures lately...scorpions, stinging caterpillars, army ants (fire ants?), a bull chasing you down the hill...I really do want to come visit, but, um, I'm a little scared. :)

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi -- I agree with Abby. I haven't noticed you wearing protective gear on your walks through the forest -- do we need to send you some ? . .

6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words, you're freaking us out!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:33 AM  

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