Friday, September 29, 2006


I apologize to the folks I have been freaking out with my stories of biting things and unpleasant creatures. Truth is, even the creepist of critters here are can´t help but get excited when you see a large or unusual insect or spider...It´s all just so different from home. Plus there also seems to be a habit here the people get into: The ´freak out everyone at home´ syndrome. There is one man I work with, let´s call him F. J., who likes to tell us all about the most threatening, the most dangerous, the most deadly creatures Costa Rica has to offer. And when you spot one of those scary and dangerous things, you feel sort of lucky. I know that sounds crazy...but when something builds a reputation for being a bit of a terror, you feel almost like you´re seeing a celebrity of the animal-insect world. Such is the case with scorpions. Everyone here loves to tell Í saw a scorpion´stories that include where the scorpion was seen, how it bite them, etc.
So in the spirit of more creepy stories...This morning a kindergarten student brought in a case with a tarantula in it. It was very cool. And huge. And yes, a little creepy, but safely in a plastic box. The little boy showing it to us said, ¨Don´t pick it up! You can´t touch it!¨And we explained that really, we had no desire to put our hands anywhere near that large, hairy spider. But it was pretty neat to look at.
On the cuter side of things, we saw another troop of capuchin monkeys out the window of our science class today. They took some impressive tree limb leaps.
Funny, because in science today we were learning about quantum leaps. Quantum leaps are very different from monkey leaps. A monkey-quantum leap-if there was such a thing- would involve a monkey disappearing from one place and reappearing some where else entirely. Which of course generally doesn´t happen in the ´real´ world. But in the quantum world...anything is possible.


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