Saturday, September 23, 2006

Phone is working again!

Our phone is up and running again! As far as we can tell, it magically fixed itself. We reported the problem to the phone company, but no one came out here to look at the line. Yet somehow it repaired itself. Or perhaps the phone folks fixed the line from some other location? Well, however, it happened...we are pleased to have both phone and internet back in our home!
Last night we attended a special dinner held for the teachers by the school commitee. It was lovely. The food was great! The best food here is that which is made in people's homes. One can sample and enjoy home-cooked food at the many potlucks and gatherings that happen here.
I feel that my Spanish is improving day by day. Ticos (Costa Ricans) are really supportive when you try to speak Spanish and they give lots of helpful tips. I've learned so much just having conversations with my Tico co-workers. It really helps to have as many conversations with Spanish speakers as possible-- particuarly those who do not speak English (as is the case with most Ticos in the area). We also usually conduct our staff meetings and parent/teacher meetings in Spanish which I find really helpful for learning as well. Also, it forces one to be really attentive in all meetings. You can't let your mind wander for a moment because you'll lose the thread of the conversation. Which is good practice for me because I am often plagued by Mind Wandering. I am a champion Day Dreamer.
Michael cut off all of his hair last night, as he does every fall. His head feels nice and fuzzy.


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