Funny Things That Happen Here...

...There are often moments when you marvel at the situations that come up here that would never come up in Philly. For example, today my math class was interupted by a dog. Yes, a dog. In my classroom. He ran underneath all the desks and the students squeeled with joy. It was hard to return the focus to fractions after that.
I've included a picture of him here, later seen sniffing at student lunches.
He's a pretty cute dog. If a dog had to join my math class, I'm glad it was this little guy.
Yesterday also there was a stray horse standing on the road. No saddle, no rider, just a horse. Standing alone. Looking a little befuddled, actually. We stood and looked at it for a while and wondered: How does someone lose their HORSE? It's not like losing a gerbil. Or your car keys. You don't just turn around and suddenly say, "Hmm. Now what did I do with that horse of mine?"
Another example in the "only here" department... at Wednesday's yoga class it was raining so hard I couldn't hear the teacher. She had to shout the directions for each pose. Kind of alters the meditative effect of yoga when the instructor has to scream to be heard.
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