Friday, September 22, 2006

When it rains, it pours...

The above title refering, of course, to not only the rainy weather here but the tendency of various things to go wrong at once...
Our phone at the house is currently on the fritz. It makes a horrible click click click sound when you pick it up and doesn´t want to connect to the internet. We´re not sure what happened. Either it was a storm related accident or perhaps a rat-wire chewing incident. Or it was perhaps some electric disturbance caused by the large metal deck being built on the outside of the house at the moment.
In any case, we are phoneless. Not that it matters, really. We have a lot more time at home to read and talk now that we aren´t spending time checking é-mail! You´d be amazed how much time is gained by not having access to the internet at home.
The other funny thing that happened at home occured a few rainy nights ago. Michael and I were returning from a music perfomance by Tricia at Dulce y Marzo´s, a little cafe here. It was rainy and dark- but we were well prepared with our flashlights. We walked back from Cerro Plano through the rain and mud and then up the slippery steps to the house. After this long wet journey, we approached the door, eager for the warmth of the wood burning stove and the possibility of dry clothes...and then the key didn´t work. For no immediatly evident reason. Michael struggled with it for the rain continued to pour and the many legions of moths fluttered about our heads...but the key didn´t want to open the door. There was a moment in which neither of us said anything at all. Just looked at each other in the rain, and thought.
Michael decided the best course of action was to try breaking in the back door, which he did with a few kicks and leaps. The door burst open and we were inside! Now the poor door is a little uneven at the bottom, where the kicking occured, but otherwise none the worse for wear.
Otherwise things are still lovely here. We discovered a wild guava tree in our front yard! It might seem odd to say we ´discovered´it... but we have many, many trees in our front yard so it´s easy to not know what´s there.
We also learned that Dulce y Marzos makes just about the best quesadilla I´ve ever had.


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