Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's Electric (Boogie-Woogie-Woogie)!

Okay, I apologize for the silly title of this blog. Forgive me, I just couldn't help it.
The "electric" in the above ridiculous title refers to my experience this weekend with a fence near our house. Michael, Tim, May and I were hiking through the woods and happened upon a lovely little pasture. At some point, we lost the trail and realized we would need to hike through the pasture to find home again. We approached a wire fence near the pasture and proceeded to clamber underneath it...I placed my hand around it while doing so. It took a moment...and then this strange sensation quite unlike anything I've ever felt before came abruptly into my consciousness. It took me another moment to realize what exactly I was feeling. It didn't feel like a shock, but rather like an unpleasant jolt that filled the whole body and kind of made me feel a little queasy. After my brain finally registered that I was indeed holding an electric fence, I finally dropped the thing and said "ouch." Or perhaps "wow." I don't recall what I actually said.
So many new experiences here on the farm!
In other news, work is going very well and the classes are lovely. Feeling quite nice and happy. I'm really enjoying my new school (although I do, of course miss all the wonderful families and students from my old school). And a little electic jolt now and then seems like a small price to pay to live in paradise, right? Right.
Here's another exciting development: I cooked a rice dish all by myself. I made it with chicken stock and it was pretty good. Not great, mind you, but edible at least. I'm also going to be the assistant for the cooking mini-course that begins on Thursday. Luckily I am the assistant because, as all of my family and friends now, I certainly couldn't TEACH a cooking class. That would be pretty ridiculous. But I am hoping to learn lots of Costa Rican cooking from Xinia, the lead teacher. She is a wonderful cook. She made an incredible picadillo for the staff that was yummy. (Picadillo is a cooked vegetable dish...sort of like ratatouille).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebekah! I miss you! I am so glad to hear you are continuing your culinary education in your new home. I hope all you learned during our WEDing dinners is coming in handy.

Your home sounds (and looks) lovely and amazing.

It seems like your still doing great work as a teacher.

I don't want to write all the personal stuff here, but I love the electrocution and other vignettes of your life there. I really do miss you....and love you whole lots.


11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Important Lesson in the Rain Forest -- Touch Nothing, Avoid Everything. . .

5:21 AM  

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