Sunday, September 03, 2006

Baking Bread and seeing Monkeys

While hiking in the Monteverde Reserve today, my friend Erica and I saw quite a large and impressive group of howler monkeys. We watched them scuttle about the canopy for some time. There were at least six of them, one with a tiny baby on her back. It was pretty amazing. Seeing them scamper through the treetops takes your breath away.
Yesterday, my co-workers Jonathan and Heather taught me how to make bread. I am hoping I will be able to follow the directions they gave in order to make it again myself at some point. We shall see. Perhaps I should start with something a little less ambitious than bread. The cookies were a big step...I shouldn't take giant leaps yet. But! We have all the time in the world here, so I might as well practice my bread making.
Also went to a fabulous little restaurant yesterday where they make thick, flavorful corn tortillas by hand ( they actually grind the corn right in the restaurant.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my first loaf of bread was very...dense. I apparently heated the water too much and killed the yeast. practice makes perfect, right? good luck!
love, jill

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bread? Wow . . .what next . . .steak???? Oh, let's not get silly . . .Love, Dad

7:01 AM  

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