We survived the 10K!

Not only did Michael and I run and survive the 10k running race here in Monteverde... but we both got medals!! I was surprised at how it all went...it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. After the 5th kilometer or so, I really picked up speed and started to feel great. Apparently that's typical in distance runs- the first part is hard because you have to warm up, and then after the warm up you start to feel invincible. We did have to walk some of the biggest hills...such as the giant, ridiculously steep hill at the end of the race. But! We both ran for most of it, and many other people had to walk parts too. (It's very hilly here!)
The REALLY cool part is that both Michael and I came in first in our age catagories! In my catagory, there was one person ahead of me, but she won the whole race over all...so then the first place in the 25-30 range went to me because I was second. There were only seven or so folks in my catagory...but still! I felt good about it. Michael won in his catagory but...um...he was the only person in his! But that's okay, he did a great job and really deserves the medal. We both really pushed ourselves hard out there.
I came in 28th overall in the race, and Michael came in 25th. There were about 75- 85 people in the race. I was the fourth woman to finish!
We both finished with times around 75 minutes, not too bad for an incredibly hilly course at a high altititude...
It was so much fun! The most exciting part was the people cheering you on along the way. They gave you water and clapped and made you feel so great. At the end, they had a bunch of people cheering and folks playing drums and it was all very exciting. I felt a huge surge of energy right at the very end when I approached the finish line because it just felt so exhilerating. It was also nice because many of the people watching actually know me so I could hear them cheering my name, which felt great. Afterwards I felt like I was on cloud nine- the adreneline was pumping and it felt like such an accomplishment.
I thought that roasting the chicken at Thanksgiving was the accomplishment of which I was most proud. I think I've decided this 10K wins in the Accomplishment Department. Now I want to run another one! (Okay. Not right now. Right now I am tired.)
This run was actually a fundraiser for the other private school in Monteverde. Next weekend our school is having a 13km walk that is our fundraiser. Should also be fun, but less competitive (it IS a Quaker school, after all...)
Pictured here are our medals and certificates.
wow!!!!Congratulations to both of you. In the US there is a run up Pikes Peak in Colorado..want to try that next?
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