Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spanish Conferences, Running, etc...

Yesterday was another milestone in my life here in Costa Rica. I held parent-teacher conferences in Spanish without a translator! Very scary, but exciting too. I believe that everyone understood what I was telling them about their children...and no one ran out of the room deeply offended, so I think it was a success. It was amazing how the words just kept coming to me, even words I didn't even think I knew! Someone Spanish has snuck into my brain without me even noticing.
I did have to refer to the dictionary once for the word "mature" (maduro, if you're wondering...).
Sandra was here visiting for several days this week! It was lovely. She also had to deal with the lack of water, making her our second house guest who had to go without showering. But she was good sport about it all. Sandra also went on a lengthy hike with my co-workers and I as we trudged up from San Luis via a path that did not actually exist.
She also attended a staff picnic where we ate bread on a stick. You put uncooked bread dough on a stick and then stick the dough in the fire. It is very, very yummy. When you take the bread off of the stick, there is a hole in the middle that you can fill with beans, cheese, or whatever. Very tasty.
Sandra also came to school with me for a few days and seemed to enjoy herself very much.
And I made another roasted chicken-- the best one yet! Woo-hoo!
Found out this weekend that my play "What if I Don't" is going to be produced again, this time at Lousiana State University. This will be the third production for that play. Not sure when the show is, but when I do, I will let folks who live in the Louisiana area know.
Wait....I don't know anyone who lives in the Louisiana area! Oh well.
Today I am going to attempt to run a 10K race. I will probably have to walk half or a third of it, but, I figured I might as well give it a try! We'll see how it goes. Hopefully there will be someone taking pictures so I can post an image of me passing out at the finish line. We can all have a good laugh about that. Right now I am eating some carbs and drinking some Emergency-C and trying to get myself psyched up. I do think it will be amusing when I cross the line DEAD LAST. But there is some honor in that, isn't there? At least I would stand out from the crowd!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Beka!!!! You have really become a super cook..two chickens in how many months? The bread sounds like fun...we will have to start a campfire when you get to DE and roast some bread. Good luck on the step NY Marathon!!!

11:47 AM  

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