The 5/6th grade Trip

So this past weekend my students and I (and Tricia, the language arts/history teacher) went on a two day overnight trip to the Leiton Albergue, which is high in the mountains opposite Monteverde. In order to get there, we needed to hike down the mountain to a little town called San Luis, and then up again to a mountain on the other side. It was some hard hiking...but lots of fun for the kids. I was quite impressed with how tough the kids were...we hiked over five miles uphill on the first day! Although that might not seem like a lot...these are just kids, after all. They have little legs.
For that matter, so do I.
This picture was taken at the bottom of the trail that led us down to San Luis, affectionatly called "The Goat Path." Not sure why it has that name. It is just rocks and dirt, and is very, very steep. The kids had no fear about it, though-- they ran down most of it, hopping over rocks and roots and trees as if they were nothing.
I, on the other hand, tripped and stumbled a lot.
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