Saturday, February 24, 2007

Water, or lack there of

So we spent last weekend without water again! Ah, the adventures of life in Costa Rica! It was okay living without showering and having to "go" outside...but the lack of water for cooking was a bit ridiculous. It's funny how you realize that practically everything one can cook requires water. Without water we were unable to make any of our stand-by dinner dishes, such as pasta or rice and beans or lentils or soup. We ended up eating grilled cheese and popcorn. But then, of course, we couldn't wash the pans afterwards so the dishes sat for quite some time in the sink!
There was also no water at school on Monday, which meant we had to tell all the students to use the outhouse and not the regular bathrooms. Yet another occurance that seems unlikely to have happened at my old school in Philadelphia...
Speaking of which, I also stubbed my toe in class on Friday and pointed out to my students how odd it is to teach barefoot. They laughed because to them, that is just the way one IS in a classroom. One always must take off his or her shoes before entering a classroom! It does mean that I have to be extra careful when choosing socks to make sure they don't have holes in the toes... and I have to attempt to make my socks match...

We found a teeny, tiny baby scorpion in the house. It was a perfect little minature scorpion. We caught it in a jar and then gave it a little flea to see if it would eat it. The scorpion chased the little flea for some time, pinching it with its front pinchers, but then lost interest. I guess scorpions don't eat fleas.
Next week I am going on an overnight hiking/camping trip with my students. We are hiking to San Luis where we will stay for two nights. Should be fun! I'll post some photos after the trip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was not a flea that we gave the scorpion to eat, but a fly. Unfortunately, it was a phorid fly. As I later learned, the larvae of phorid flies (as opposed to those of drosophilid, or fruit, flies) are carnivores: the little scorpion nymph was mortally afraid of the even smaller fly, for fear that it would lay eggs on it and, when it came time for the scorpion to molt, the larvae would then devour it, vulnerable as it, the scorpion, would be, sans chitinous carapace.

4:42 PM  

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