Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Science class and more...

So our unit on Energy is progressing nicely, and I am finding that I enjoy teaching this topic enormously. We finished our homemade roller coasters (built to demonstrate kinetic and potential energy) and are now in the process of building little solar ovens. These very simple boxes will be used to, hopefully, cook some hot dogs on Friday. I say ¨hopefully¨ because the weather here is somewhat unpredicatable and if there is no sun on Friday, there will be no hot dogs. So, everyone hope for sun!
Interestingly in the course of my research for this class I´ve learned that Costa Rica gets 85% of its power from hydroelectric plants and the rest from geothermal plants and wind farms. That must be why the air here seems so clean!
Looks like next year I´ll be taking on an additional science class at the high school level. Who would have guessed that after all these years of thinking of myself as a Humanities person I would end up loving teaching science most of all...
Today the sun is shining and it is chilly, but pretty, outside. Yesterday I went for a run in the rain, which is actually kind of fun. The cold, wet air makes you run faster because you want to hurry up and get in from the rain!
I am also the assistant teacher for a running mini-course this semester. I ran with them last week and the high school boys in the class were a little bit faster than me (I am being sarcastic. They were A LOT faster than me.) I was pleased that I did manage to keep within sight of them, though. Even if they were teeny-tiny dots off in the distance.
On an unrelated note- it´s funny when the grocery store runs out of stuff here. A few weeks ago, the store had no butter for days on end. How on earth do you run out of butter? Particularly in a place with so many cows running around?? It´s not surprising when the store runs out of things like Coca Light (Diet coke)...but butter?? Let me tell you- it was pretty exciting when the butter came back. Since the return of the butter, we make sure to buy TONS of it whenever we go to the store. Because you never know when another butter draught might hit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Butter, Schmutter, it's CocaLite that is a crisis . . .

10:44 AM  

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