Monday, January 22, 2007

The Latest

So, it's been quite a while since I've written and I apologize. Since our return from Granada, I have been busy with the start of the new semester and such. But- all is still well here in our little mountain hamlet.
Last week classes began after a month long break. It was good to be back in the swing of things, and off to a good start with our new science unit: Energy and Electricity! More on that tomorrow, when I will post some pictures of our homemade roller coasters...
Life continues here in our house on the hill; the sun is setting over the Gulf and the January winds continue to blow. Luckily they have stopped blowing quite so fiercly. Last week I had some trouble sleeping because I became convinced that Michael and I were about to be blown right out the window, into the trees...or perhaps we were going to be quickly crushed by falling limbs. At least once a night, I would sit bolt upright in bed and shout "OH MY GOD" thinking that this was definatly the end. Michael in his still-peacefully-sleeping-state would mumble something and pat my back reasuringly.
We're both quite pleased that I have stopped my late-night shouting, as the winds have subsided somewhat.
I continue to try my hand at cooking. "Try", of course, being the key word here. Yesterday is a good example of how sometimes when I "try" it is a disaster. I was making cookies for a student's birthday to be celebrated on Monday. I was making Cinnamon-Sugar cookies. I read the recipe, I gathered the ingredients, I mixed well. I did, however, fail to notice that the bag I THOUGHT was flour was in fact powdered sugar. See- they LOOK rather alike-- both being powdered white materials. Unfortunatly for me, I am a stupid-head and I put in 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar when the recipe called for that much flour. So I ended up with a very gooey batter made with 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2 cup regular sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Dentists everywhere were rejoicing.
I had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong because it just kept being a wet batter, even after mixing for quite some time. Luckily i DID realize my mistake at some point and put in some flour, but, the cookies were VERY sweet. Enough to make one's teeth actually hurt.
My students were happy enough to eat them. When I explained to them the sugar mistake, they didn't mind one bit and happily munched their Ridiculously Oversweetened Cookies with joy. Kids always love sugar!
Rehearsals begin this Tuesday for a community kids production of The Music Man which I somehow got roped into helping with. I don't even LIKE the Music Man (sorry Greg). Plus I have no musical talent what-so-ever AND I know nothing about choreography, so my directing is going to sound like this, "Ok. Um. Sing something. Ok. That's...not good. I don't think. Sing it better. I don't know better HOW just better. And now dance something. Just, you know, move your feet around. Make it look like a musical."
It's going to be a hit.
No scorpions lately, for some reason. But we do have a new friendly lizard who likes to hang out on our window so we can see his tiny cute lizard belly.
I also forgot to mention earlier, when we had visitors here I am PLEASED to report that everyone who came to visit got to see some monkeys! I didn't want to disappoint my guests and those monkeys must aim to please. Howlers made an appearance for each and every one of our guests! Yay!
We are in the process of looking for a house for next year. Our beautiful house, unfortunatly, will be occupied by its owners next year. There is one house we do like a lot that we will hopefully be living in, if everything works out! Keep your fingers crossed for us! We mostly want this other house because it also has a wood burning stove and we LOVE our stove.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider me your Music Man guru. I know every single word.

"I flinch, I shy, when the lass with the delicate air goes by/ I smile, I grin, when the gal with a touch of sin walks in/ I hope, and I pray, for a Hester to win just one more "A"/ The sadder but wiser girl's the girl for me/The sadder-but-wiser girl for me!"

Love, Alicia

6:40 PM  

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