Saturday, January 06, 2007

Long time, no blog

It's been weeks, I know, since my last entry.
I'd say that life has been busy...but, honestly, all we've been doing here is enjoying vacation and relaxing! I suppose I haven't written much because we're beginning to get to that time when the amazing and remarkable because just the everyday.
But! A few things of note, none the less.
Had some visitors the last few weeks. First, my parents who stayed here in Monteverde for a few days before we all traveled to the lovely Playa Pan de Azucar together.
Then, Abby from Philly came and we had a lovely time, despite there being no running water in the house for three days. She was real trooper and didn't mind having to walk a mile or so to take a shower.
The water has since returned, thank goodness.
Abby and I visited the nearby Las Juntas hot springs that we so nice and also helped us be clean for the first time in days.
On Wednesday, I hiked to the San Luis waterfall with my friend Erica and her visiting sister, Missy. It was stunning. Perhaps one of the most impressive waterfalls I've ever seen. It's quite an amazing hike getting have to clamber down mud clifs and hop rocks across the river and cross several very rickety looking wooden boards. The difficulty of the journey was one of the most impressive aspects of it...the waterfall felt like a secret, unknown place. It isn't, of course, but it felt that way after wandering through the woods for two hours or so to reach it.
Yesterday I was stung repeatedly by a very small wasp in my pants. I was walking up the road to our house and felt this horrible burning pain on my leg. I bent over and yelped, but had no idea what to do. I wanted to rip my pants off and find out what the heck was stinging me so, but the middle of a public road seemed like a less-than-ideal place to do this. So I moaned for a little bit. Felt more burning up my leg. Contemplated removing pants, opted to continue walking home instead.
When I got home I discovered the culprit- a teeny, tiny little wasp that seemed hardly large enough to cause such pain. Today I have an impressive collection of welts on my leg!
In unrelated news: I cooked some Chinese food on Saturday because I've been craving it something awful. I made some spicy noodle dish. It was yummy. I also made chicken stock from scratch on Sunday and wished I had some matza balls to put in it. Oh well.
Speaking of which, I just finished reading the book "Salt" which details the history of, obviously, salt...and it made me crave lox like crazy. There were extended descriptions of salted, cured, and smoked fish and I thought... " Right now I would KILL for some lox or some smoked whitefish. KILL. On a big bagel with cream cheese."
It's funny what you start craving. I think it's a form of slight homesickness. Some people miss a place...right now I'm missing food products. Bagels. Sushi. Thai food. Indian food. Edemame. Spagettios.
Yes...I DID just say Spagettios. I happen to love them, thank you very much. They're my favorite comfort food, for some reason.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bagels, yes the staff of life!

12:41 PM  

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