Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's Been a While

So I haven't updated my blog this past week as I have been quite busy with end of semester hoo-haa and what-not. We finished up school on Friday with our annual end-of-semester/Christmas show. As the drama teacher, I was responsible for putting together a bunch of short plays with kids for the show. It all went off pretty well, I think. People laughed, parents clapped, no one fired all in all, a success. And no Quakers beat me up, so that was a plus. Ha-ha.
My folks are here visiting from the states this week, so I am having the fun experience of showing someone around our little world here. Michael and I will be joining them at the beach for a week, so more pictures and funny stories to come...

In the meantime...we've caught several more scorpions as there appears to be some sort of massive scorpion social event happening in our house. Apparently every scorpion in the neighborhood decided to come hang out at our humble abode, much to our joy and bliss. It is The Hip Scorpion Place to Be. We've caught three in the last two days. Luckily, neither of us have gotten stung everyone out there, keep your fingers crossed. So far, so good.

More soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

blech! will you kindly ask the scorpions to find a new convention site in preparation for our arrival?

7:38 PM  

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