Monday, December 04, 2006

Wind, Fog, and Christmas Songs

At the moment it is quite windy and foggy. I'm not talking about an ordinary level of wind and fog here. I'm talking the kind of wind that sounds like the house is perhaps going to blow away. And the kind of fog that makes the entire world disappear. From where I am sitting at my dining room table I can see tree tops, and then a white sea of nothing. No mountains, no rolling hills, no Gulf of Nicoya. Just fog. And of course I can see the tops of the trees blowing around like crazy.
Weather is so funny here. Yesterday it was stunningly beautiful. The sun was shining and it was just a little bit breezy. And it didn't rain all day! That was a first! But today is looking a little more dismal in the weather department.
This weekend was the annual performance of the the Monteverde Choir. Several of my friends are in it, Heather and Jonathan and Tricia as well as our neighbor, Benito. It was lovely. They sang a bunch of Mozart pieces to celebrate the 250th anniversary of his birth and also sang many Christmas songs. Say what you will about sure has some good music. I thought about my mom who is also in a choir. Her choir does not sing Oh Come All Yea Faithful and Gloria in's a synagogue choir. Synagogue choirs tend not to include the singing of Christmas carols, generally speaking.
The concert was held in a lovely theatre space in Paseo De Stella, the Bat Garden. Really- that's what it is usually used for. The viewing of bats. I haven't seen the bats yet myself, but I am sure I will go there once people start coming to visit. There are lots of interesting tourist things I haven't done yet- the Orchid Garden, the Frog Pond, the Serpentarium...because I'm waiting for visitors to come. It seems weird to do the tourist things if you're just living here. I think all the folks from the U.S at work are doing the same thing- saving all the touristy places until they have visitors. It's funny..I think we're all too embarressed to actually want to go to those place on our own...but if someone is visiting, it's a convienent excuse. Actually, I'm kind of interested in the bat place. Mostly because I can't imagine how they are keeping bats inside. Are they just flying around everywhere? Are they in displays, like a zoo? Or are they not alive? Do they fly past your head when you go in there? How do you get them slow down enough so you can actually see them?
At Paseo de Stella they've built this real theatre there where they can even show movies on the big screen! I'm very excited about that. This Tuesday they are playing of my favorites!


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