Thursday, December 07, 2006


Anyone know what on earth a ¨wassail¨is? Everyone here has been talking about the Christmas Wassail, and I don´t understand what that is. I want to ask..but then I feel like maybe everyone else on earth knows what this is, and I don´t.
It´s so strange that the winter holiday starts next Friday. Seems so bizarre to be living here where it´s still green and just a little chilly..and to know school is almost over for winter break. Also, it feels like the time just flew by. Seems like just yesterday we arrived in Monteverde! Now we are approaching the five month mark. Wow.
Michael returns from Paris on Saturday! Yay! I´m going to roast him a chicken. He´ll say..¨Who are you and what have you done with my Rebekah Who Can´t Cook?¨ Or probably he won´t say that. He´ll probably say ¨yum¨ because my chicken is yummy.
It is very windy here these days. When I go running, it feels like I´m running smack into a wall. Sometimes I swear my feet feel like they are going to lift right off of the ground.
To those of you who are coming to visit: please bring a jacket. And maybe a little scarf. It´s cold! Probably not as cold as the northeast...I think it´s in the 50s or 60s- but with a lot of wind and some misty rain, that feels downright chilly.
On Monday night I couldn´t sleep at all because I was convinced that the tower that holds my bedroom was going to lift right off of the house and blow, Wizard of Oz style, away into the air. Or perhaps fly down the hill and land on Lucky and Wolf´s house. Or land on a cow. I do wonder about the animals in this wind. Thus far I haven´t seen any horses or dogs or cows flying through the air...but it doesn´t seem beyond the realm of possibility.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is a wassail the wine drink that people drink on Christmas? I don't know, perhaps a non Jew should answer this!!!!

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Wassail is an old pagan celebration, but I forget exactly what it entails. I could find out for you, just give me a couple days...

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I got it: Wassail is a drink, somewhat like mulled wine or cider. It was part of a pre-Christian festivity or celebration, perhaps for a good apple harvest (that part's a bit unclear), that traditionally fell around the time of Christmas or Twelfth Night. It seems to have been adopted by the Christians as a kind of Christmas/New Year festivity. It sometimes involves a special "wassail bowl," which may look like this:

The word comes from Old Norse and Middle English, and it literally means "Be in good health." People would drink their spiced beverage from the special bowl and toast each other's health.

7:55 AM  

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