Monday, August 14, 2006

A Bull

Today Michael and I were walking through the pasture behind our house to get to the main road to walk into town. We were chatting and walking along, discussing which exactly are the Seven Deadly Sins? And how would you define hubris? Just at that very moment, Michael shouted "THE BULL!!!" and after a brief second of confusion, I realized he was telling me that we were being chased by a bull. And indeed we were. There he was, behind us, running full steem. He charged after us as we ran like maniacs down the hill. I've never run so fast in my life. When we reached the bottom of the pasture, and to the other side of the fence. my heart was racing so hard my limbs were shaking. We turned back and the bull stared at us, much displeased.
But we weren't trampled our gouged to death, so that's a relief.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!!!!! That will teach you to take a shortcut. Good thing you do all that jogging. Please come home in one piece, not several.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JESUS!!! Wow, Beka, I must say that's something that's never happened to me. (And hopefully never will.) Sounds like you and Michael are having interesting conversations when not being chased by bulls. I guess when there's that much peace and time there's nothing better to do than have interesting conversations...

7:06 PM  

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