Saturday, July 29, 2006


Yesterday we had quite a stroke of luck... just outside our window, about 50 feet away from our house, a group of capuchin monkeys were gallivanting around on the branches. They are medium-sized monkeys with dark bodies and white fur around their heads and faces. They jumped from one branch to another, showcasing an impressive ability to leap distances. One hestitated on a branch, munched some leaves or fruit, and looked directly at us (we were watching, breathless, with our binoculars). It was a beautiful sight. I said "OH MY GOD!" at least twelve times, if not more. It is somewhat unusual to see monkeys in Monteverde because there are so many people walking the trails in the cloud forest; we think that because our house borders the forest but is isolated from tourists and hikers and such perhaps we will be privy to a greater amount of wildlife.
We visited the Cloud Forest Reserve yesterday (Basque Nuboso Monteverde). Hiked for a while, looked at the impressive epiphytes climbing up the huge trees to the canapy (epiphytes are mosses, succulents, vines and such that grow on trees in the rain forest. They are what help to create that "life upon life" look of the jungle). Saw many plants with gigantic leaves, including some ferns larger than Michael.
We made a fritatta last night for dinner using eggs from the very farm we are living on. (Yes. I did say 'we'. I actually DID help with the cooking! I chopped things! And stirred stuff!) We also enjoyed some nice Argentinian wine from the Mendoza region with dinner.
There were less insects last night because we determined that using less light at night prevents the onslaught. We ate dinner by candlelight as rain thundered down on our metal roof. Lightening flashed high in the clouds and lit up the whole sky in short bursts.
A bit about the weather...right now, at 8:00 a.m, it is sunny and brisk. By noon it will most likely still be sunny, but a little warmer. There is always a cool breeze that blows no matter what time of day. It usually begins to rain around 3 or so...but we had one day in which it barely rained at all. The rain varies between light and heavy; on some days it has poured with thunder and lightening, on others the rain has been just a pleasant sprinkle. So far we are enjoying the rain very keeps everything green and we are nice and cosy in our house with wood stove burning. The rain also keeps away insects from the windows, so that's an added plus. Folks here say the rain will be heavier come Sept, Oct...but thus far we're enjoying the weather quite a lot. The mornings are just perfect with sun and weather that's just cool enough for a little jacket.
Woke up again to the howler monkey howling this morning. We can hear him but can't see him, as is typical of howlers. The lone howler makes his strange growl/grunt and then the rooster crows. They seem to be speaking to each other because they always sound in turn: howler-rooster, howler-rooster, howler-rooster. But what would a howler monkey and a rooster have to say to each other?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've found your new calling as a nature writer. Great descriptions!

9:36 AM  

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