Friday, July 28, 2006

This morning

Woke up this morning to the sound of a howler monkey caterwalling from the woods behind our house. Neat.
Last night there was an massive collection of insects on our windows. They were attracted to the light inside our living room and so plastered themselves against the glass. There must have been about a thousand insect blanketing the windows. And some, unfortunatly, made there way inside and we then had something of a bug invasion INSIDE the house as well. That was less fun; we prefer being able to watch them on the windows to having them swooping around our heads...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe I won't be researching my plane ticket now... Just kidding. ;) I'll just bring some super-strong bugspray. Sorry to hear about the infestation. Can you get them out? Or are they there now for good (unwelcome guests)?

5:38 PM  

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