Sunday, July 30, 2006

Rain and Fog

At the moment it is raining and there is fog sweeping in blanketing everything...I can barely see out the window; it's like pea soup out there.
It is Sunday and it is quiet here (other than the sound of the ting-ting and thump-thump of rain on the metal roof). The workers who are working on our house are off for the day. They have been here every day working on a shed out back that the owners are building to store firewood. They are also planning on finishing the bottom floor and making a second guest room down there, as well as a balcony.
Now the rain is torrential, coming down all around and pounding above.
The hummingbirds who usually visit the hummingbird feeder at all hours have flitted away somewhere to hide from the downpour.
Yesterday Michael and I were caught outside in our first serious downpour. We were walking home from Jonathon and Heather's house (two new teachers just arrived two days ago and live down the hill from us) and the rain started. We hiked about thirty minutes while the rain pounded down. We sloshed along in our boots and rain jackets through the mud and survived...but came home completly soaked through. It was hard to see where we were walking because both Michael and my glasses were covered in rain, so we stumbled a bit blindly, particularly through the last part of the walk through the woods.
Luckily, we were able to start up our lovely wood stove when we got home and could get warm and dry off. Something cosy about coming inside to a nice fire after being soaked through by relentless rain.
Unfortunatly, today Michael has a cold...perhaps it was the trudging through the rain and mud that did him in?


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