Big Events in Barcelona

Some time has passed since these major events in Barcelona, but I'm just getting around to posting the pictures today. Back in September, the city celebrated 'La Merce' which has something to do with honoring Mary but I'm not really sure what. Mostly, it's an excuse to party for several days and light things on fire, as far as I can tell. Here in Barcelona, the Barcelonanins like to explode things and shoot off flaming things-- and also run dangerously close to these Exploding and Flaming Things. For most of the major festivals here they have a "Correfoc" (say that to yourself outloud and giggle) in which people dressed as devils or in huge dragon costumes carry giant twirling sparkler-shooters. They spin and shoot sparklers in all directions. The parade of these travels down Via Lietana, through the old city. The true fans of this event cover their hair and face and run as close as possible to the shooting sparks so that they can watch it cascade over them like a firework waterfall. I, however, chose to stand with Michael and our friend Anne far, far back from the shooting flames. We found a hotel with a large window that we could stand in so we could see the marching twirling sparklers, say to each other "Wow those are some big sparks," but not get burned by them. And people DO get burned. After watching the Correfoc, we wandered through the crowds in the Barri Gothic and watched a cool animation projected on a building in a square (pictured here).
Another exciting day of Stuff on Fire was La Vaga-- the strike-- which took place all over Spain on September 29. ("Vaga" is the Catalan word for strike. Most of Spain called it La "Huelga" which is the Spanish word for strike.) La Vaga was an impressive feat of national unity-- the entire country went on strike to protest the changes in the employment and retirement laws that have been passed in response to "La Crisis" (the major financial problems of the country). All transportation was down and everything was shut- and then the city joined in a huge, HUGE march again down Via Leitana. Before and after the march, there was also much torching of things and breaking of glass, including the lightening on fire of many recycling bins to create barricades in the streets and even a police car was torched. The police car I understand- but why burn the recycling bins? What did they ever do? Also there was just general window smashing and assorted drama. Lots of Anarchist actions here in the city as well- one building on Placa Catalunya was occupied by Anarchists for a few days. Not sure what impact it all had but it was impressive and moving to see the whole country come together in such a passionate way. I actually started to cry a little when I saw the big march coming down the street. It's hard for me to imagine the United States ever coming all together in one collective action like that.
Anyway, I've posted some photos of marching and burning here.
In the US, we all come together to watch the last episode of MASH or Seinfeld or Lost or the Super Bowl. . .you know, the really important stuff . . .
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