Monday, July 23, 2007

The First Bread Baked in our Home

This bread was made by Michael, using the recipe that Anne taught us when we stayed at her house in Philly. It's a type of bread that doesn't need to be "kneaded" (that's awkward to say out loud) and doesn't require proofing of the yeast. It was very tasty.
Michael is baking another loaf as I write this, in fact.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Learned much from this first loaf - such as sprinkling the kalonji or nigella seeds on before baking it. This loaf was made from old flour sitting in the house for who knows how long - hence the white precipate around the edges, perhaps. Also, need to bake longer at this altitude (around 1300 meters): 40 minutes covered, 40 uncovered, as opposed to 30 and 30.

11:59 AM  

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