Socialismo o Muerte!

Here's a shot of the local buses on the day that Daniel Ortega was sworn in as president. You can see the black and red flags of the Sandanistas flying, as you could all day long. Interestingly, this is an old school bus from the U.S...which makes this kind of a funny picture.
That night we watched the inaugeration in Managua on T.V in our hostel with the family who owned the place. It was quite fascinating. Hugo Chavez and Evo Maroles made passionate speeches and spoke of the brotherhood between Venezuala, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Cuba. Cuba and Castro were mentioned again and again. Perhaps the greatest cheers from the crowd came when Chavez shouted "Viva Castro! Cuba siempre! Liberation para nostra hermanos y hermanas de Cuba! Socialismo o Muerte!" (Long live Castro! Cuba forever! Liberation for our Cuban brothers and sisters! Socialism or death!) It all felt very exciting. Something quite beautiful is happening in Latin America. The people are rising up and taking back their countries- back from the behemoth of power that is the U.S, with Castro as the hero and example in this regard. Evo Morales talked about the importance of taking back the control of industries from U.S. backed multi-nationals and putting it back in the hands of the countries themselves (in Bolivia, this is particularly important in the realm of natural gas). He also spoke eloquently of the time coming for indigenous peoples of the Americas to finally have a chance to stand up and lead themselves.
All three men were amazing, passionate speakers who rose the huge crowd to a feverish pitch of excitement and extasy.
It was all very moving. Felt like we were watching a piece of history.
Many heads of states of countries in the Americas were present...with of course the exception of George Bush. Hmm.
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