Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

I haven't posted in a few days as I have been busy with orientation at my new teaching gig. So I will summarize some highlights.
On Friday we traveled to San Jose to get our immigration papers stamped and such. In the police office, we are fingerprinted and they count my earrings to record on my government file (I have nine earrings). I'm glad the Costa Rican government has that Extremely Important Piece of Information in their files.
On the way back, we stop at a fruit stand along the Pan-American highway and I purchase the best mangos I've ever tasted. Also bought some starfruit...which, for anyone's info, is way to sour to eat. I had to spit it out.
On Saturday, Michael and I baked oatmeal cookies. Really. It was so much fun. Really.
We also bought some fish from the fish delivery man. After purchasing quite a large amount, we promptly realized that neither of us have any idea how to COOK fish. So, for now, the fish sit in the freezer.
On Sunday, we attended Quaker meeting and went to the community potluck. Lots of yummy, yummy food. We brought our oatmeal cookies. We met lots of nice people. It was beautiful and peaceful.
On Monday and Tuesday, I went on a staff retreat where we did lots of talking and getting to know each other and such. Much of the conversation and presentation was in Spanish, and surprisingly enough, I understood almost everything. I even stood up and gave a presentation in Spanish to the whole group! Granted, my Spanish had nonsenseical grammer and probably several French or Italian words thrown in...but at least I got up there and tried. One must stumble along in order to learn!
"I'm not perfect and I know I never will be! " as the song says...
Speaking of songs, at the retreat my co-worker Tricia played the guitar and we sang songs. She played "Goodnight Irene" and I sang along. I thought about my Grandpa Hank, who my father said always loved that song.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to cook fish -- a very simple recipe:

Defrost first. Turn on broiler (or grill).

Put a couple small slabs of butter (or a little olive oil) on both sides of fish and place fish on aluminum foil (unwrapped). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broil (or grill) for somewhere around 5 minutes, depending on the type of fish. It's done when you can see gooey white stuff oozing out of the fish -- I've been told this is protein coming out -- and the fish is flaky. Overcooked fish is gross. Squeeze fresh lemon on for extra zing.

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you can go to and look up a recipe. I could never cook fish either which is probably why you never learned. It is also good to cook in foil if you have aluminum foil in the wilderness. Make sure you don't get any more ear piercings or they won't let you out of the country!!!

6:25 AM  

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