Another view, Playa Bluff

We spent a wonderful two days at Playa Bluff, in our own private hotel with our own private beach...And it was great fun, even though there was limited running water and almost no electricity (one light bulb was plugged in at night, and that was it). The water situation was quite humerous. There was no public water system this far out on the island, so all the water was rain water, caught in a huge blue tub. The rain water, however, would only run for a few minutes at a time and then you needed to wait half an hour for it to start to work again. I have no idea why this was the case. I suppose it would stop running to help to preserve water. In any case, this resulted in many unpleasant shower moments in which one might put shampoo in one's hair, only to have the water die at that very moment. At many times during the time, you could hear a shout or curse coming from the bathroom as yet another person was stranded with no water. Also the lack of water made cooking things somewhat difficult. We had to use some of our drinking water to make pasta and rice. We also discovered there was no can opener so Tim had to bang open the cans of tuna and beans with the edge of a wrench.
Much of our food also had to be thrown away after the first day when we opened them up to find many, many tiny little ants crawling all through the bag or box. Poor Katy took a bite of a cookie without noticing that it was, indeed, covered in ants. She spit it out promptly.
The bag of sugar was also ant filled, as was the cereal box.
Luckily, the pristine beauty of the place made you care so little about these inconviences.
We also had a lovely host, a Columbian man named Eddie who runs the place. He was entertaining and a bit crazy and loads of fun. He has had many careers in his life: helicopter pilot for the Columbian military, masseuse, exotic dancer, chef, and now...hotel caretaker. He was quite a funny guy.
On our second day there, he made us the best food I think I've ever eaten in my life. I thought my head my explode from the shear pleasure of it.
I also went snorkeling with Eddie, Tim, and Katy on the second day. Not as impressive as the first snorkeling trip, but we did see a shark. It was huge. I was really scared and screamed and swam away. Eddie thought this was hilarious. He told everyone, over and over again, how I squeeled and swam away. Ha-ha! He thought it was just the funniest thing he had ever seen.
He also, unfortunatly, used a spear gun when we were snorkeling and killed a fish. Although I do eat fish, I wasn't crazy about watching him kill one while we were swimming along and enjoying nature.
But he was certainly a fun guide to have. He told us all sorts of stories, many of which we couldn't really understand...but were entertaining nonetheless.
At night you could see so many stars in Playa Bluff. We all lay together on the metal roof and watched the sky...counting shooting stars and being amazed at the beauty of it all.
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